48 research outputs found

    On the Unbounded Picture of KKKK-Theory

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    In the founding paper on unbounded KKKK-theory it was established by Baaj and Julg that the bounded transform, which associates a class in KKKK-theory to any unbounded Kasparov module, is a surjective homomorphism (under a separability assumption). In this paper, we provide an equivalence relation on unbounded Kasparov modules and we thereby describe the kernel of the bounded transform. This allows us to introduce a notion of topological unbounded KKKK-theory, which becomes isomorphic to KKKK-theory via the bounded transform. The equivalence relation is formulated entirely at the level of unbounded Kasparov modules and consists of homotopies together with an extra degeneracy condition. Our degenerate unbounded Kasparov modules are called spectrally decomposable since they admit a decomposition into a part with positive spectrum and a part with negative spectrum

    A calculation of the multiplicative character

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    We give a formula, in terms of products of commutators, for the application of the odd multiplicative character to higher Loday symbols. On our way we construct a product on the relative K-groups and investigate the multiplicative properties of the relative Chern character

    Invariance results for pairings with algebraic K-theory

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    To each algebra over the complex numbers we associate a sequence of abelian groups in a contravariant functorial way. In degree (m-1) we have the m-summable Fredholm modules over the algebra modulo stable m-summable perturbations. These new finitely summable K-homology groups pair with cyclic homology and algebraic K-theory. In the case of cyclic homology the pairing is induced by the Chern-Connes character. The pairing between algebraic K-theory and finitely summable K-homology is induced by the Connes-Karoubi multiplicative character

    Joint torsion of several commuting operators

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    We introduce the notion of joint torsion for several commuting operators satisfying a Fredholm condition. This new secondary invariant takes values in the group of invertibles of a field. It is constructed by comparing determinants associated with different filtrations of a Koszul complex. Our notion of joint torsion generalizes the Carey-Pincus joint torsion of a pair of commuting Fredholm operators. As an example, under more restrictive invertibility assumptions, we show that the joint torsion recovers the multiplicative Lefschetz numbers. Furthermore, in the case of Toeplitz operators over the polydisc we provide a link between the joint torsion and the Cauchy integral formula. We will also consider the algebraic properties of the joint torsion. They include a cocycle property, a symmetry property, a triviality property and a multiplicativity property. The proof of these results relies on a quite general comparison theorem for vertical and horizontal torsion isomorphisms associated with certain diagrams of chain complexes.Comment: 42 pages, minor changes, acknowledgements adde

    The unbounded Kasparov product by a differentiable module

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    In this paper we investigate the unbounded Kasparov product between a differentiable module and an unbounded cycle of a very general kind that includes all unbounded Kasparov modules and hence also all spectral triples. Our assumptions on the differentiable module are weak and we do in particular not require that it satisfies any kind of smooth projectivity conditions. The algebras that we work with are furthermore not required to possess a smooth approximate identity. The lack of an adequate projectivity condition on our differentiable module entails that the usual class of unbounded Kasparov modules is not flexible enough to accommodate the unbounded Kasparov product and it becomes necessary to twist the commutator condition by an automorphism. We show that the unbounded Kasparov product makes sense in this twisted setting and that it recovers the usual interior Kasparov product after taking bounded transforms. Since our unbounded cycles are twisted (or modular) we are not able to apply the work of Kucerovsky for recognizing unbounded representatives for the bounded Kasparov product, instead we rely directly on the connection criterion developed by Connes and Skandalis. In fact, since we do not impose any twisted Lipschitz regularity conditions on our unbounded cycles, even the passage from an unbounded cycle to a bounded Kasparov module requires a substantial amount of extra care.Comment: 52 page

    A Serre-Swan theorem for bundles of bounded geometry

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    The Serre-Swan theorem in differential geometry establishes an equivalence between the category of smooth vector bundles over a smooth compact manifold and the category of finitely generated projective modules over the unital ring of smooth functions. This theorem is here generalized to manifolds of bounded geometry. In this context it states that the category of Hilbert bundles of bounded geometry is equivalent to the category of operator *-modules over the operator *-algebra of continuously differentiable functions which vanish at infinity. Operator *-modules are generalizations of Hilbert C*-modules where C*-algebras have been replaced by a more flexible class of involutive algebras of bounded operators: Operator *-algebras. They play an important role in the study of the unbounded Kasparov product.Comment: 32 page

    Canonical holomorphic sections of determinant line bundles

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    We investigate the analytic properties of torsion isomorphisms (determinants) of mapping cone triangles of Fredholm complexes. Our main tool is a generalization to Fredholm complexes of the perturbation isomorphisms constructed by R. Carey and J. Pincus for Fredholm operators. A perturbation isomorphism is a canonical isomorphism of determinants of homology groups associated to a finite rank perturbation of Fredholm complexes. The perturbation isomorphisms allow us to establish the invariance properties of the torsion isomorphisms under finite rank perturbations. We then show that the perturbation isomorphisms provide a holomorphic structure on the determinant lines over the space of Fredholm complexes. Finally, we establish that the torsion isomorphisms and the perturbation isomorphisms provide holomorphic sections of certain determinant line bundles.Comment: 45 page

    A transformation rule for the index of commuting operators

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    In the setting of several commuting operators on a Hilbert space one defines the notions of invertibility and Fredholmness in terms of the associated Koszul complex. The index problem then consists of computing the Euler characteristic of such a special type of Fredholm complex. In this paper we investigate transformation rules for the index under the holomorphic functional calculus. We distinguish between two different types of index results: 1) A global index theorem which expresses the index in terms of the degree function of the "symbol" and the locally constant index function of the "coordinates". 2) A local index theorem which computes the Euler characteristic of a localized Koszul complex near a common zero of the "symbol". Our results apply to the example of Toeplitz operators acting on both Bergman spaces over pseudoconvex domains and the Hardy space over the polydisc. The local index theorem is fundamental for future investigations of determinants and torsion of Koszul complexes.Comment: 28 pages. Proof of local index theorem is include

    Dynamics of compact quantum metric spaces

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    We provide a detailed study of actions of the integers on compact quantum metric spaces, which includes general criteria ensuring that the associated crossed product algebra is again a compact quantum metric space in a natural way. We moreover provide a flexible set of assumptions ensuring that a continuous family of *-automorphisms of a compact quantum metric space, yields a field of crossed product algebras which varies continuously in Rieffel's quantum Gromov-Hausdorff distance. Lastly we show how our results apply to continuous families of Lip-isometric actions on compact quantum metric spaces and to families of diffeomorphisms of compact Riemannian manifolds which vary continuously in the Whitney C^1-topology.Comment: v2: minor changes; to appear in Ergodic Theory and Dynamical System

    On modular semifinite index theory

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    We propose a definition of a modular spectral triple which covers existing examples arising from KMS-states, Podles sphere and quantum SU(2). The definition also incorporates the notion of twisted commutators appearing in recent work of Connes and Moscovici. We show how a finitely summable modular spectral triple admits a twisted index pairing with unitaries satisfying a modular condition. The twist means that the dimensions of kernels and cokernels are measured with respect to two different but intimately related traces. The twisted index pairing can be expressed by pairing Chern characters in reduced versions of twisted cyclic theories. We end the paper by giving a local formula for the reduced Chern character in the case of quantum SU(2). It appears as a twisted coboundary of the Haar-state. In particular we present an explicit computation of the twisted index pairing arising from the sequence of corepresentation unitaries. As an important tool we construct a family of derived integration spaces associated with a weight and a trace on a semifinite von Neumann algebra.Comment: 36 page